Monday, November 30, 2009

Are you Ready? Huge Changes Coming in Video and Television

AdAge reports: "We'll be Ordering Up Our Own Video, Ads and Products on a Web Convergence Device. But Who Will Reap the Revenue?" (Brian Steinberg, November 30, 200,

Huge changes are taking place on the Internet in terms of video content and how we will access them.

Is your brand, your company, your product, your service...are you personally, going to have a video presence on the Internet? Or, will your competitors beat you to it?

Here's a great website - designed by our friends at - that is an EXCELLENT EXAMPLE of video marketing:

Now is the time! Contact us at

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Online Video Growing at Fast Pace

Online video is predicted to grow 32% in 2009.

Magna Insight reported this dramatic increase in dollars in a TV Technology magazine article dated June 10, 2009 (

Most online video used to be user-generated. But, the new growth is coming from professional video producers.

With 60% of homes having a broadband connection to the web, the time is right for companies to step up the quality of online video.

Is your company benefiting from professionally produced video?

Marketers Increasingly Use Video

TechTarget's “2009 Media Consumption Benchmark Report 2: Closing the Gap" reported the increasing use of video in marketing.

“A year ago, especially when we asked questions about newer media like [online] videos and virtual trade shows and even podcasts, the IT buyer showed much higher interest in them versus the marketers' investment in them. And now you don't see that. Now, if anything, you see the reverse.”

For example, 28% of IT buyers said they had watched online videos in the previous three months to get information on enterprise technology solutions, while 41% of marketers said they had used video in marketing in the previous three months.

“IT buyers are very interested in video as an online medium, and marketers now are supplying, meeting and even exceeding that demand,” Barsam said.

See the entire article at:

Monday, November 23, 2009

Product Demonstration Video

Would your company benefit from a video that makes it easy for your customers to use your product? Take a look at this excellent example of how this can be done.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Video Marketing


Here's a great article that came to me on my LinkedIn account. It's from Viswanath Vundi, who is spot on about video marketing....

We all know that television advertising is not typically used by the Small Business market, but why is this when studies indicate that people remember only 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, but 70% of what they both see and hear? Shouldn’t video be the major component in the marketing mix for converting shoppers to buyers?

For the vast majority of small businesses (SBs), television advertising carries too much risk due to the high costs of production and media, the lack of ability to target behaviorally and demographically, and its lack of accountability. SBs are less interested in the long-term benefit of brand awareness and more interested in reaching the “shopper” with their value proposition. The old adage that “50% of my advertising works; I just don’t know which 50%,” is especially true with television advertising and represents an unacceptable risk to Small Businesses with limited marketing budgets and the need for short-term results.The Barriers Tumble Down

The Internet now provides a video platform that not only has critical reach but is accountable, economical and reaches a high density of active shoppers. More than 65% of U.S. households now have a broadband connection and 68% of Internet users now watch online video advertising at least monthly (Online Publishers Assoc. Online Video Advertising, Content and Consumer Behavior, June 2007). Combine this with the fact that 52% of online video ad viewers take action and 16% saying they purchased2, and you have the arrival of a compelling video advertising platform.

Monday, November 2, 2009

More...Event Video

On September 5th 2009 Kitfox Aircraft held its annual fly in at their plant in Homedale Idaho, and Acclaimed Video was there. Kitfox aircraft can be bought as a finished aircraft from the plant or bought as a kit and built by the buyer. This was Kitfoxes 25th anniversary and many Kitfox aircraft from far and near came to this event. There was good information shared between the owners and good food enjoyed by all. Enjoy some of the video from that day, go to this link: